Tuesday, June 18, 2013

About Me

About me 

I am Skyler.
I live in Maine.
I am an artist.  
I have a crazy little brother.
My favorite color is blue.
I climb lots of mountains with my family and  friends.
I just climbed Dedham Bald Mountain and Chick Hill.              
My best friend is Rose.
My favorite book is Mrs. Frisbee and the Rats of Nimh.       
                                                     I play piano.
                                                    I love to read and write.    


  1. Skyler, you are writing so well and growing so fast. I'm so proud of my smart, artistic daughter. xoxox Love, Mommy.

  2. Oh my goodness...You have your own blog! Wow! I can't wait to see what you write! I love the pictures of you and Ella in the mud. It looks like good clean fun...no...wait...good muddy fun! I hope I can meet Ella this summer when I visit you in Maine! I love you, sweet girl. Fantastic job writing. I am looking forward to reading what you do this summer! love you so much, Aunt Lisa

  3. You have a crazy brother just like you have a crazy uncle who lives in San Francisco! I can't wait to see you this summer Skyler - I love your blog!

  4. What a wonderful beginning to you Blog, Skyler. I can't wait for your next entry. I love you, Omom
